Introducing- weighing in at 6lbs 10oz- Keira Joyce Vigneau
So when Tanya came back from the doctor's she decided to take the walk. After the walk the "menstrual cramps" started to intensify. Around 5:30 when I got home from work we decided to start timing them. They were anywhere from 2-4 minutes apart and lasting anywhere from 30-50 seconds. After 2 hours, Tanya decides to call the doctor and see what they think. She knows that they are going to send her to the hospital so they can see how dilated she is but she didn't want to do the "walk of shame ( being sent home)" if she was just being a baby and not actually having the baby. Well we get to the hospital and she gets into triage where they hook her up to the monitor to watch the baby and uterine activity and they check her at which they see that she is like 3.5-4cm dilated. They decide that she is far enough along to stay and start preparing her room because she is in "early stages of labor".
Well they get the room ready and tell her to stand up to make her move into the room when she is ready. She stands up and her water breaks. Tanya is excited because she knows that they won't send her home and she wants to get this pregnancy over with.
So while in the room her contractions start intensifying- which happens after the water breaks usually. She asks for some drugs and they recommend nu bane (narcotic) which seems to take the edge off for her. Since they haven't given her the epidural she can get into the jacuzzi tub which she does and she says that it helps a lot. After about an hour in the tub the contractions were getting worse- She suddenly starts throwing up- The nurse brings her some meds for the nausea and more Nu bane. After another 45 min or so she decides that she wants an epidural.
The nurses tell her that she needs to get out of the tub and dry off and get back into the bed where they can check her and then they will call in the anaesthesiologist. Well we get her dried off and we notice that her IV had ripped out of her. They put her on the bed and check her and she is fully dilated so they tell her that she can't have the epidural and that she is going to have to push. It is about 11:00PM. She starts pushing and pushing and pushing and pushing and pushing and pushing and pushing and pushing and maybe some more pushing till little Keira finally comes into the world at 12:02AM.
Mother and baby are doing great and the baby has even started breast feeding.
Tanya, you are one tough cookie. I'm so happy for you! You made it!
She's gorgeous.
Hooray! Congratulations you guys! She is an absolutely adorable little girl!
Oh she is sooooooooo beautiful. I can't believe the hair!! Amy, you stay away from her with those clippers! I can't wait to hold her.
And Tanya---you are awesome.
Nick, Noah and Dominic
Congratulations! She is so beautiful! You did great Tanya!
I knew Keira was just waiting for the camera to come so we could all see her pictures!
Love, Chris and Sarah
Congrats!!!!! :) Wellcome to the world baby Keira!
Congratulations! What a little angel you have!
You even did it without the epidural!!!!!!!!
You look great and the Keira is beautiful. Looks quite a bit like Dominic. She even outweighed him!
Glad everyone is feeling well!
I will try to call soon.
Kalpakgians - From Austria!
WOW! That is awesome, CONGRATULATIONS to all three of you! She looks great. All you had to do is push huh?!
What a perfect time too...12:02 on the first of the month, had to be the first baby born this month!
They let you do a hot tub?
Enjoy your rest.
She is gorgeous, congratulations Mommy, you did it!!!!!!!!!!!Kiss her a million times for me.-Auntie Nancy
WOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! I AM SOO EXCITED FOR THE BOTH OF YOU!!! THE PICS ROCK THE HOUSE! Wonderful name...wonderful family...it's a wonderful life! :0) Can't wait to get there and hold her myself! Bring on the night duty! LOVE YOU BOTH!
Just had to look back for newborn pics!! She weighed exactly what Louisa did!! funny! She is so beautiful! fun blog!
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