Wednesday, July 18, 2007

LIFT and peanut butter choc bars

Yesterday we took Keira to LIFT in Boston.. LIFT is another name for worship for a new generation. It combines Adoration, praise and worship music and an inspirational speaker into an interesting evening experience. Anyways so we wanted to check it out so we brought Keira with us --Unfortunately the music was SO loud that I was afraid for my little monkey's ears so we had to take her outside during the music. We could still hear the music outside so we didn't really miss anything and it was a beautiful night so Keira laid on her blanket and looked around and laughed and smiled and I listened to the music.. a friend of ours joined us outside and text messaged a pic of us hanging out outside to Mike who was inside.. apparently he felt guilty so he came outside and joined us! :o) Uncle Matt was kind enough to take Keira during Adoration so Mike and I where able to enjoy that. I did remember to bring my camera this time but it was too dark inside to take pictures. Keira was a very well behaved little girl- the pics are of Mike putting her in her car seat- she was laughing. We didn't end up going to bed until 1130 pm and I figured Keira's self set schedule was all messed up so I expected her to wake me up a few times- instead she slept till 6 30 am.... :o) It was lovely.

In other news- Mike has decided to help me out with my post partum weight loss my buying and making decadent desserts... b/c if he makes them I of course have to eat them!!! Reeses peanut butter choc bars are low calorie snacks right???

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