Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Big girl bath

Keira took her first bath in the big tub the other day. Usually we just throw her in the shower with one of us. It took her about .5 sec to figure out how to splash. She had fun splashing and playing with her toys.
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alexish5 said...

Wow! It looks like she did a great job sitting up! Did she slide around at all? Sarah still slips sometimes. I have to hold on to one of her arms at all times. =)

Anonymous said...

haha that's so funny. Josephine takes a bath laying on a bath matt in the tub (it makes her head and upper body elevated) and she splashes sooo much, the other night I had to actually change my clothes afterwards!

k's mama said...

Oh yeah.. she slide around alot.. and she kept lunging forward.... like she wanted to lie on her belly. it was challenging.. I think the shower is easier.

alexish5 said...

A bath mat in the tub is a great idea. I'll have to try that!