Thursday, May 10, 2007

pregnancy brain and Mike's book

I have full blown pregnancy brain and totally forgot to take some pictures of our dinner with Peter last night!!!! OOOPS! Its really getting bad. About three days a week I actually leave the house without my cell phone- which I never did before I was pregnant!!!
The most exciting news of the day is Mike is a published author... sort of.

A shortened version of how the Holy Spirit at one point touched his life is in a book entitled "When the Spirit Speaks". It is kind of funny how he got his story in that book. A friend of his sent an e-mail awhile back and copied someone on in the e-mail. Since Mike is a curious kind of guy, he went to to seee what the heck that place was. Lo and Behold, it was a Catholic organization. On the website, they listed that they were working on a book about how the Holy Spirit touched people's lives in everyday situations and were looking for stories. Mike has written his conversion story (about 13 pages long) and so he sent it to them. They liked one of the sections and asked if they could use it for the book and alas, it is now in a book for all to see. So if you see this book, look at page 43 and you will see Mike from New Hampshire, Young Adult...this is actually kind of cool ;)

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