Sunday, May 06, 2007

Putting the truck to work......

So Mike apparently felt like doing yard work today. So the first order of business was to get rid of the remainder of the bushes. Since they have been in the ground for probably 55 years Mike figured that the only way to get the bushes and all the roots out would be to attach chains to the bushes and attach the chains to the truck and PULLLLLLL. The first bush we pulled out was smaller and came out rather nicely- the next 2 bushes were much bigger and didn't seem to budge no matter what. So Mike called Hippert and then together they managed to get the other two bushes out- It was rather comical to watch- the tires were squealing on the truck and Mike and Hippert we chopping at the bushes with axes trying to loosen some of the roots. Anyways the first 4 pictures are of that...
The door picture is my project of the day which am super excited about. I have been thinking of ways to add color to the front of the house so finally I figured that if I paint the front door red it might go really well with the boring white siding and black shutters. Anyways I love the way it looks... So I had to include a picture.
Stayed tuned.... Mike and Hippert spent half the day working on another front yard project...... It it was too dark by the time they finished and my pictures didn't turn out so I will take some new ones tomorrow. This project is even cooler than the red door!!!!


Anonymous said...

I love the red door! It looks awesome!

Anonymous said...

Key notes!:

1 No one was hurt in the removal of the bushes.
2 Both projects were done in 1 day with only 3 trips to home Depot and 1 trip to my parents.
3 The yard "will" look better once the grass is cleaned up
4 and most important, I got to play in the dirt! :)