Monday, September 10, 2007


okay- many many hours later and attempt # 3 to post on the blog..

HOW I HATE VERIZON- LET ME COUNT THE WAYS ( written by Mike, posted by Tanya)

1.) SUPPORT SUCKS! As you know we have been having problems with intermittent connection issues. I called Saturday and ran through their troubleshooting steps to get them to send a technician out. One of the steps was – please take the cable that is running from your wall jack to your DSL modem and flip it!!! Are you kidding me…there is no ferrite or crossover pins on this thing! Whatever!! Move it away from your computer/monitor. Yeah, the FCC testing done on the computer and monitor and DSL modem allow for that much interference now that we are at the higher speed when it was fine at the lower speed?? So after 2 hours of going through his checklist, they dispatch a tech.
2.) BAD SCHEDULING! I am told there will be a tech at the house between 8 and 5. Yeah, that narrows it down. Luckily Tanya is home all day! The tech came by at 8:20AM, did some test at the pole and the drop at the house and determined that we are too far from the Central Office to get 1.5MB. Fine, but now they are turning us back to 768K. We were paying $34/month for 1.5MB.
3.) CONTRACTS! Of course, they make you sign up for a contract. If you don’t like their service, you only have 30 days to decide to cancel without being charged early termination fees.
4.) LACK OF COMMUNICATION! Nobody communicates anything. I had to call to find out what our new monthly plan is.
5.) SUPPORT SUCKS WORSE THAN K-MART! So I called after the technician left because we were still having problems. I was at work when I called and she asked if I was in front of the computer. I told her no and she said that I needed to be. So I said, “I don’t think so” and many other strong words. I went through all of your stupid troubleshooting steps previously and it is still not working after being told we were all set by the technician. She says, “Let me check my notes…ok we can bypass the initial troubleshooting”. She checked and found out the order for lower service was placed but can take 48 hours to go through, so it should be ok by 6PM Tuesday evening; until then we have to deal with the worst Internet in the world.
6.) TERRIBLE BILLING! So the new 768K DSL was going to be $39.99/month if I hadn’t called. I called and told them that I had a hard time understanding why our new slower speed is more expensive than the faster speed and more expensive than the $25/month we were originally paying for 768K back in June. She forwarded me to YET ANOTHER department, where I finally talked to someone that was American and helped me. She worked out so that our bill would be back to $25/month but couldn’t do anything about the Early Termination Fee. We really don’t want the slow Verizon again, but we are stuck unless we want to pay $79. She also refunded us $25 for our troubles.
7.) EARLY TERMINATION FEES! Because we are past our 30 days, if we want to cancel (which we do) we are stuck with paying $79 in addition to the activation fee we paid, the monthly fees we have paid and all the other time that we have spent on the phone with them.
8.) MY WIFE IS MAD! Now I have to deal with an angry wife because her Internet is slow.
9.) COMCAST DOESN’T HAVE CONTRACTS! Yet another reason to hate Verizon, their competition is faster, doesn’t have contracts and higher speed. I guess you get what you pay for L
10.) STUCK! We are now stuck with crappy Internet Service for the next 10 months!!

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