Wednesday, September 12, 2007

A new street

The new toys that Mike picked up at a yard sale for $50... :o)

The manly bulldozer

And some other truck thingie which I don't know the name of....

Actually the city is tearing up our street. During our last rainstorm, there was a guy taking pictures after Mike had already taken pics to send to the city. So we stood on the front porch as he was taking pictures and afterwards, he asked if it was like this during every downpour. Mike told him it is like that during any rainstorm. He said, that is why we are putting in 3 "catch basins". We are hoping that these "catch basins" elminate the need for Mike to go out and lift up the manhole cover after every rainstorm we get. So whats a catch basin I ask Mike after we came back inside." I haven't got a clue" he says...but Googles it and figures out it is a connection into the sewer system that stops large objects (like bottles) from entering into the sewer.

This is our street during a rainstorm....and why we need these "catch basins".

In other news...Our Internet is "fixed". Meaning we don't lose connection. The genius fix...slow down the connection to faster than dial-up :( Well...Mike is going to call and see what he can do.

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