Wednesday, April 23, 2008

What is wrong with America???

Who besides Alexis and Kate think this boy can sing???? He is horrible!!!!!! He needs to get voted off the show!!! He is as bad as Sanjaya last year. Who thinks white boys with dreads look good anyway??


Anonymous said...

Personally, I think Jason pulls off the dreads nicely! Although I think he is probably not AI material and not NEAR as bad as SANJAYA last year (come on Tanya, Sanjaya was pretty bad!), I do think Jason is decent. I am not going to say he is great, but there have been a few songs he did awesome one.

Caroline said...

I AGREE! And everything he sings sounds EXACTLY alike and has anyone else noticed that he's pretty much high ALL the time??? haha

WildRose said...

Oh how HARSH!! HAHA We will see what happens tonight! I am still like him, and David Cook:)

alexish5 said...

Hey hey hey! I think white boys with dreads look good....especially Jason. (Not all white boys can pull them off though.) Anyway...he has a great voice and apparently America likes him since he is still there! So ha! =)