Friday, June 20, 2008

Keeping miss K amused...

Mike biked to work today which is great for him because he gets some exercise but it makes for a long day for K and I because he leaves for work earlier, gets home later and doesn't come home for lunch. Anyways K has been a wild woman lately- I don't know if its her new found walking ability or what but she is a wild child... she is climbing on everything and out of everything- namely her high chair. She is resisting all attempts at her usual napping schedule. The nap resistance might be because she has been spending to much time with her cousin Dominic who doesn't nap either except for like a 15 min catnap here and there. She normally naps like 1.5 hours in the am and 30 min in the afternoon. I figured she might be ready for one long nap since she is not falling asleep in the morning at her usual time. So today I kept her awake until noon- She went down rather easily after nursing and then only slept for 45 min all DAY!! Yikes. I can't even tell you how many books I read to her today and how many hours I sat on the floor playing with her and her toys.
I was holding Keira when the drawer that I keep all ger silverware and sippy cups etc was open. She wanted to play in the drawer but I didn't know how to take the drawer out so I just sat her in her high chair and pulled it up to the drawer and it kept her busy for about 10 min.
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MommyKW said...

KEEP AT THE ONE NAP! Trust me, Samantha was the same way and now she takes one 2 to 3 hour nap a day! It worked with Connor and her and they are both pretty active kids!

Caroline said...

haha that is a GREAT idea!!!

Niki said...

Sorry my son is such a bad influence on your daughter.