13 and 1/2 months old and today she has her first fever. :o( Maybe its teething related as she is cutting 2 new teeth not 1 like I originally thought. This am her fever was 102.2.... and I guess fevers that high are not usually associated with teething. Anyways she has no other symptoms and once the Motrin kicked in she was her old self. I know for sure she isn't feeling well as she took a 2hour afternoon nap which she NEVER does.. and she still went to bed at 7 pm. Hopefully she is better by tomorrow as we have an exciting beach day in ME planned.
Sounds like every one of my kids, one at a time, last week. It must be a virus! She looks like a ballerina! She is adorable!
Louisa has been running a fever the last few days as well!! It was about 102.?? the night before last, So we were up half the night, and last night she was up again at 2:30 low grade 99.?? I It has not been much fun! I hope sweet little K is feeling better!
Get well soon!
Poor little Ms. K... hope she is feeling better. Teeth, viruses.. soo hard to tell. I hope it was a good 4th of July despite.
Jo hasn't had a fever yet either. Knock on wood. She looks so cute in that skirt though, poor Keira, hope she feels better!
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