Saturday, March 22, 2008

Busy Day!!!

This am we had a bunch of errands to run.... In this pic Keira and daddy pick out some snacks for the week at Target.

One of our newly purchases snacks. Fruit Leathers... pure dried fruit. This is the first time daddy let Keira have a whole one herself. It was all good until it got really soft from her gnawing on it and we were afraid she would bite off a big chunk and choke. She also made a huge sticky mess and got it everywhere..... and then when we took it away for fear of choking.... MELTDOWN!!!!! She recovered quickly when daddy handed her her favorite washcloth to play with...... :o)
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Caroline said...

We bought those once, and they are really sticky!

alexish5 said...

Gotta love the melt downs!

WildRose said...

oh yeah, gotta love the melt downs for sure!