Friday, August 10, 2007

attemptng to make cookies

Check Spelling
Well yesterday the weather was awesome... 70's and NO HUMIDITY- We went to Livingston park and walked around the pond with one of my new mommy friends and her little girl who is 2 weeks younger than Keira. The we hung out with a whole bunch of moms from the Manchester moms group. Keira was in a great mood and other than projectile vomiting across a bench ( which thankfully hit nothing other than the sidewalk) we had a great time.

Today Keira woke up all smiles as usual- We bought her a new swaddle blanket called the miracle blanket b/c she is outgrowing the one we have. This one claims that the baby can't get out of it --- what do ya know... she gets herself out of it every single time!!! I am not ready to give up the swaddling though b/c if I don't wrap her up her she just fusses in her crib when its time to go to sleep. If we swaddle her its like she knows its time to go to sleep and most of the time she just goes to sleep. Anyways as soon as Mike left for work she turned crabby and fussy ( which she does alot)- I got her all ready to go for a walk - she was buckled in her car seat and screaming ( which she does every time she is placed in her car seat) and then I realized its raining outside... darn. No exercise for me today. Since I can't go anywhere outside and lose some poundage.. I figured I might as well gain a few. I am going to attempt to make oatmeal cream pies ( there are soft chewy oatmeal cookies with a cool whip center). Of course we ran out of sugar and flour last time we attempted to bake anything... think muffins gone bad!!! So I bundle Keira in her car seat again and into the man truck we go as Mike has the car at work. We buy flour and sugar and head home- I get Keira into her bouncy seat so I can start the cookies and she decides its time to eat again.. even though she ate less than an hour ago... she she eats for 5 min and falls asleep.. and here it is 12 noon and I am not showered and have done nothing other than attempt to get something done.

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