I am thinking… that I am so thankful that we made it home safely last night. We had a bit of an icy adventure. We went to my brother's house way up in Ghettoville to celebrate my dad's 69th birthday. As we were leaving it started misting but the temp was right around that freezing point so we didn't think to much of it. Mike pulled out of my brother's driveway and slamed on the brakes to see how slippery it was and we went ice skating in the minivan if you know what I mean! Yikes. We got on a more main road and it was sanded and salted and we breathed a sigh of relief. Mike is a fabulous driver no matter what the conditions... rain, snow, sleet, ice, Boston traffic etc so I knew we were in good hands. After about 20 min of back roads we hit the highway and were happy to see that it is also sanded and salted and although a bit slick not to bad. After a few miles on the highway we saw brake lights ahead and a huge backup ( 3 car pile up). Luckily we were also right at a exit so we get off the highway not wanting to be stuck in traffic ( Israel was still screaming at this point and if we had any chance of him falling asleep in the car we have to be moving!). We saw signs for 114 so we figured we will just take that. Fast forward a few more miles on 114 and it started to get super icy.. An unexpected stop sign appeared and we skided around a corner and realized we were no longer on 114 and were basically lost. We pulled into a driveway that was all lit up and I went to ask a very nice guy for directions. We ended up on a dirt road ( which was fantastic as it was nice and bumpy), and made both kids fall asleep, and had plenty of traction unlike the paved roads. We were able to take this to a point where we could get back on the highway and it was no longer icy but simply rainy. During all this I was on and off the phone with my brother who said that my other 2 brothers and dad were fine but had slid off the road. Needless to say it was a very scary ride home!!
I am thankful for … the little things. Poor Haitian people have so much suffering.
I am reading … a stack of cooking magazines looking for some new recipes ( dairy free for my little nursling's sensitive tummy)
I am hoping … that every one stays healthy through the rest of winter ( knock on wood)
On my mind … that Israel seems to have some separation anxiety and its cutting into my 30 min of gym time. I left a rested, recently fed Israel with daddy ( who knows his likes, dislikes, quirk's etc very well) and came home 30 min later to a tired daddy with a headache and a very unhappy baby. Hmmmmm
We’re learning … how to roll over ( Israel), how to avoid cabin fever ( Tanya), how to break a framing nailer ( Mike) and how to drive mama crazy with clothing craziness ( Keira)
Noticing that … Israel is teething and a wet drooly mess!! Keira has a Polly Pocket and Cinderella obsession currently.
Around the house … Israel's room is getting closer to the drywall stage!! ( see Mikes DIY blog for more info if you are interested) http://betterdiy.blogspot.com/
One of my favorite things … Cute kids clothes. I'll admit it. Its one of my favorite parts of the day, picking the days outfits for the kids. Keira however has stolen this task from me. She no longer allows me to pick out her clothes. In fact for a child as easy going as she is she is really stubborn about her clothing choices. I don't think the child has worn a pair of pants in over a month. All she wears on rotation ( depending on what is clean) is 2 Cinderella night gowns and 5 dresses. But she often wears the dresses to bed and the nightgowns during the day. She has whole drawers full of cute jeans, sweaters, knit pants, pj's etc that she refuses to wear. I was really hoping that she would let me pick out her clothes for a few more years!!
A picture I am sharing … My monkeys!!
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