Thursday, June 17, 2010

Odds and Ends

Keira and I made some cookies as an early Father's day gift for Mike. Keira had a blast pouring coloring sugar "glitter" as she called it all over them.
I can't believe June is half way over already. This summer is going by fast. The kids have reversed rolls lately. Israel has become easy going, happy, and super content. He amuses himself most of the day by either watching Keira and or crawling all over the house and standing and climbing on everything. Such a turn around from what he was like as an infant. He has become pretty routinish to his sleep as well. He takes 2 naps daily and goes to bed for the night around 630 pm. He usually wakes up once to nurse and sleeps till 6am. He is very active and def more adventurous than Keira was as a baby. We have already dubbed him our climber. We are wondering how soon he is going walk. Keira walked at 12.5 months so it will be interesting to see when he walks as he was mobile wayyyyyy before Keira was. He loves daddy and is a definiant daddy's boy already. Keira has always prefered me and although she loves daddy she is a mama's girl for sure.
Keira has become our high maintenance child all of sudden. I guess this is the dreaded"three" that my friends have talked about and I am experiencing for the first time. She is extremely indecisive and has multiple tantrums daily over the weirdest things which she has never done! She was always our laid back kid. Hopefully this too shall pass. In the meantime I could use some prescription strength patience.
On the home front there is nothing going on. Mike and I are bummed that activity on the house is pretty much non existent lately. The market is so slow. We just want to make plans ( and put up the mammoth swing set we spent an arm and a leg for) and of course Mike is anxious to have some home improvement projects to do. Not to mention that we( and me especially) are big plan ahead type people. Alot of our stuff is being stored at Mikes brother's house and its rather frustrating to me. All the kids fall clothes are there as I had hoped we would be moved before then and I find myself forgetting what they have for clothes and what they need. Lots of the kids toys are in storage as well. Its rather frustrating! We are thankful they let us use their basement so our house can be uncluttered but Ill be happy when all my stuff is under one roof again.


MK said...

Sorry about the house frustration. You can always come by and swap out of pick up whatever you need from the basement.

Oh, and if Mike needs home improvement projects, I have a few ideas...

Anthony said...

I've got some projects too!

We're always happy to help out!

NAB said...

Haha, I was just going to post what Anthony said.

We've been married for too long...