Saturday, November 05, 2011


The local media called the storm event snowtober. We lost power for about 20 hours. Which was nothing compared to the thousands of people without power for days. Over 300,000 lost power. We spent one night camped out on the floor in front of the fire with all the kids. It was one giant family bed. It was kinda fun and kinda not fun. We were very happy to be able to sleep in our own beds the following night. Mike was awesome at keeping the fire burning even all night. We roasted hot dogs over the fire....

Watched lots of Franklin on the Ipad...

Hung out bundled up in fleece jackets and sleep sacks...

And were very thankful when power was restored. Lights, electricty, power. Its a beautiful thing!

The highlight of the storm for Israel, getting to use his beloved snow shovel again. Remember last year? He was the kid that took his snow shovel TO BED with him! He is a funny kid. This past summer he could often be seen sleeping in his crib with his toy mower. He is a manual labor kinda guy

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