Monday, January 02, 2012

Bits and Pieces

Mike checking out the attic space above the garage.

Since there is no snow digging in the mulch will have to do......

ahh 2012. After a busy day Mike and I spent an exciting New Years Eve hanging out with the kids, popping popcorn and watching Dumbo. It was a 730 pm bedtime for the kids and a 10 pm bedtime for us. There is absolutely no way I can stay up till midnight. Sleep is an ongoing issue that I think lots and lots of parents struggle with so its nothing new. We attempted to move Nairi back into our bedroom which was an epic fail. She equates us with playtime so it was a no go on sleep all around so she is back in her own room for now still waking up every few hours. Israel and Keira still wake up around 530, sometimes as early as 430 ( we send them back to bed if its before 5) despite us pushing their bedtime from 7ish to closer to 8ish. Israel has finally settled into his big boy bed and sleeps well there at night. The only way to get him to nap though is to sit in his room until he falls asleep and then sneak out. I am only able to do that though if Nairi is already asleep so everyday I find myself with the job of multi tasking everyones sleep needs throughout the day. For a while I was having him nap in Nairi's crib or the pack and play but he has figured out how to climb out of both. We also gated his room but he stands there and shakes and rattles the gate waking up Nairi so that doesn't work either. Ahh the joys of life with small kids. :o)
Mike and I are still pondering the big school decision. I thought once we toured the 4 schools that interested us the decision would be easier but we are still struggling. None of the schools has everything I had wanted ( weekly Mass, a playground, ample outdoor time, a gym, a foreign language, 200-300 students, great Catholic families/ students, strong Catholic identity, less structured Kingergarten program, half day kindergarten etc etc). Ugh. I don't know how we are going to decide on this one!
All in all 2011 was a big year of changes and I hope that in 2012 things will ease up a bit. Nairi will be walking ( she is pretty close to walking now!) and less intense needs wise I hope. Keira will be in Kindergarten in the fall which means I will have more time for the younger kids and will spend less time easing sibling fights. Keira and Israel annoy each other alot but Israel and Nairi really seem to like each other. That could change though we shall see.

We are absolutely enjoying our new house to the fullest. The space is heavenly and the storage capabilities endless. Just today we ventured into the attic for the first time and I'm amazed at the space up there. I'm determined to not collect stuff just because we have the space so every few months we donate a few bags of clothes, toys misc but its still so amazing to me to have big closets, 2 coat closets, a huge basement, a garage AND a basement. Ahhh heavenly space!!!

My brother is moving to San Diego in 3 days and I'll admit especially this time of year I am a bit jealous. Jan, Feb, March is my least favorite time of year. The cold and the darkness just really get to me and make me crabby!! I can't even imagine what its like to have sunshine 350 days a year. I'm hoping there might be a trip to San Diego in our near future.

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