Monday, March 04, 2013

Mudroom so close to being done!

Remember these? Before wall removal...

 Before wall removal
 Old mudroom hooks and bins and dysfunction closet.
 We finally settled on a paint color. Its a solid gray.

 Note the red rug will be leaving the room as well as the tan carpet. The plan is for hardwood floors and a colorful area rug. We also need to add some accents of bright color since all  we have right now and gray and black. But that all has to wait till we have the necessary $$$.
  Mudroom storage. Every kid has a bin for hats, gloves and socks. Everyone has hooks for jackets and purses and backpacks.
 Looking into mudroom from family room. That lower bin is what Mike built for shoes. He is going to add a lifting bench seat to the top of it and we are still waiting on the laminate tile flooring that is been back ordered from Home Depot for about a month. Its hard to tell from the camera glare but that is bead-board on the walls.
 Any guesses to who the nameless bin belongs too? :o)

If anyone has any great ideas of what we can line the bottom of the "shoe bin  with let me know. I know its going to get gunky from wet muddy shoes etc so I need to put something waterproof on the bottom so it doesn't ruin the wood.

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