Friday, September 11, 2009

Its crunch time!!

Well sort of. As most of you know I have been nesting for MONTHS. I had finished most things baby related a while ago and have spent the rest of the time cleaning out everything and anything I could find; including our basement, shed, fridge etc. All major things have been done.. car seat installed, clothes washed, crib set up etc etc. I had started on my midwife's list of "supplies" to have in house- then I switched midwives. They all have their own lists of stuff they like you to have on hand. Today I got the list for my new midwife so that should keep me busy this week. It mostly includes washing lots of towels and receiving blankets and then drying them on HOT and sealing in bags. Ohhh and making lots of frozen maxi pads. If you have ever had a baby you know the hospital gives you those maxi pads that you shake up and they provide icy cooling relief. We when you have a baby at home you get to make your own. I got sent home with a bag of dried Comfrey and a French Press. Instructions are to make a pot of Comfrey tea and pour it over pads and then freeze. Comfrey is known for its cooling and healing properties. I am also supposed to make a batch soaked in witch hazel. Fun fun. This will be the first time I have ever had maxi pads in my freezer.....

Baby boy is doing fine but hasn't dropped yet... which I know since I can barely breath after going up one flight of stairs. He is still head down and measuring 36 weeks. Midwife suggested lots of walking to get him to drop, hard to do when you get out of breath so easily but I am working in it! The law in NH is that a baby must be at least 37 weeks to be purposely born at home, so I am waiting till I hit that mark to really start walking hills etc to get him to come out.... Just a week and a half till I hit that mark... watch him hang out in here till 41 weeks. That would not make me happy!!!! I am shooting for the Friday before Columbus day ( I think its the 8th or 9th of Oct) as Mike only gets 4 days off and he automatically gets Columbus day off. So that would give him a full week and a weekend to help me out with healing and baby care. I am so excited to meet this little guy and see how he looks like and what his personality is!!!


Caroline said...

Good luck getting him to come on a specific day... he'll come when he wants! haha. Sounds like you'll definitely be busy with those lists, how exciting!!! You're getting close!

MommyKW said...

You are soooo close! Good luck on that birthdate! Hopefully you get it! And, yes, maxi pads in a freezer...interesting! haha!