Thursday, November 06, 2008

Cloth Diapers

In case anyone is wondering, we are cloth diapering full time now. Even at night. Once in a while we use pampers or Luv's when we are out or if we will be gone all day. I love it now... no more diapers to buy and no more billions of diapers stinking up the trash. I do about 3 extra loads of laundry a week in diapers. Keira's skin looks fabulous. My mother in law has made me a few diapers as well. In the first picture are all my pre folds. The cheapest and most difficult to use cloth diaper. In the second pictures is everything else. The third picture is my homemade ( thanks to my MIL for her sewing skills) cloth wipes. The fourth picture is of cloth doublers... things you put in diapers for more absorbency!
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