Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Once again America you dissapoint me!!!

Dear Keira,
Its a sad and sick country that you are going to grow up in. Hopefully someday you will believe us when we tell you that the world is evil and that the ways of the world are not God's ways. :o( I don't know how we will explain to you that 4,000 people of your generation are aborted EVERY DAY in our country, and no the American people don't care one bit about it. Apparently they think the economy is more important than life itself.
After reading this mom blog that she shed tears of happiness that her children will grow up in the Obama years.... I can assure that daddy and I will shed tears of sadness.
Love, Mama and Daddy.


Jennifer said...

I am sick about it to....All I can do is pray. I wonder how I will explain to Brooke that we can't buy her wants because we are to busy paying for our electric bill that was 3 times higher because our President wanted to bankrupt the coal industry...ughhh I could go on and on...I just do not understand. America voted on everything but the issues.

MommyKW said...

I too am scared to think of what lies ahead.

Caroline said...

It's because unfortunately too many uninformed voters went out and voted for Obama because it's the cool thing to do and every celebrity in the world is telling us to. It's true! On election day, at school, I overheard these 2 girls talking. 1 asked the other if she had voted yet and the girl responded with "no, I'm not registered... I mean, I don't really no anything about any of that stuff... I mean, I know it's Obama all the way." I swear to god! I just wanted to die when I heard that. Maybe if people kept their opinions too themselves and stopped telling everyone who to vote for people would be forced to learn something about where these people stand on important issues before they went out and voted.

Anonymous said...

Just remember----the victory is already won! We have the book! Jesus is victorious.... All of this---is just passing time. We are a people of hope, not of dispair! Pray for Obama. Pray for the Holy Spirit to convict his heart. Pray that he stays safe (there are worse things than him in the White House!). Pray that he rules from the center. Pray for intercession from the 50 million aborted babies---that reason might prevail.

Anonymous said...

I don't personally know you, but I have seen you on the LLL forums. I too am scared of what the future brings. So many voted without doing the research because it was the popular thing to do or because he spoke well (apparently they didn't hear him speak without a teleprompter.