We haven't been doing much blog worthy stuff lately.... I have been catching up on laundry and cleaning up after the whirlwind we call Keira and Keira has been taking super long naps which have been awesome! I am not sure if she is working on another tooth or two or growing through a growth spurt but the long naps have been great! I bought these chocolate rice cakes last week while I was grocery shopping ( I was alone with Keira and trying to entice her to sit down in the cart- phew.... I HATE grocery shopping with Keira. I usually go alone or make Mike come with me) and they are sooooo good. Keira loves them too!!
Chocolate rice cakes are the best. My kids love them!
Let me tell you about my wonderful grocery shopping "system." Rob takes Jo into the toy aisles and book aisles while I go and do the shopping. This way she can just run around. She actually likes the party supply aisle the best. It's SO much easier!!!
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