Our weekend was pretty laid back. Mike took a break from working on Keira's room and spent his time instead outside snow blowing, shovel, roof raking, clearing the mailbox and clearing walkways from the latest storm to dump a hefy amount of snow on us. Its times like this when we wish we had a garage to park the cars in instead of having to clean them off every time it snows. We have my dads car too so we have 3 cars to clean off and Mike likes the driveway totally ice and snow free which is nice of course! Luckily the ghetto snowblower has been working. Mike took adavantage of it working to do our neighbors driveway as well since their snow blower isn't working. So pics from the weekend as as follows- Mike and Keira making choc chip oatmeal cookies. We have been really good actually . This is the first time we have baked since New Years day. We went 10 whole days with no homemade desserts... pretty good for us!!!!
Mike playing- I mean working to clear the driveway!!!
Keira conducting her own milk tasting event this morning... Cup on the right has cows milk and cup on the left has vanilla soy milk. For some reason we had never given Keira cereal in a bowel with milk in it..... she usually just eats the cereal dry. Daddy was having cereal with milk and she wanted a taste and now loves it. She drinks soymilk since cows milk tends to constipate her but she can tolerate small amounts of it. So anyways she wanted a cup of cows milk too... she kept taking drinks out of both cups but in the end she put the cows milk back and drank the soymilk. Exciting, I know.- She thinks it is. See pic below!!
haha Keira definitely thinks the milk tasting event was fun! Love the last picture!
Funny! Samantha just started to have milk with her cereal. Very messy - but she loves it!
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