Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Little Bean update....

Hopefully by the next update it will no longer be Little Bean.... we have our ultrasound scheduled for May 12th to find out the sex and check the baby's heart! Finally in 3 weeks I can start to do some planning..... :o)
Little Bean's heart was ticking away in the 150's..... and he/she kept kicking the Doppler making it hard to get a heart rate reading.
I am starting to feel a bit better. At this point I am only nauseous about 75% of the time and its a bit milder than it was before so we are making progress!


Jennifer said...

Yay...I can't wait...I am putting my guess down as another little girl!!

WildRose said...

I am glad you are starting to feel a little better!! I am so so still....? May 12th will come quick!! How fun!! It was great to see my little one, you will see your soon!! My little ones heart rate was 146, little slower than yours.

Caroline said...

So glad to hear you're feeling a bit better!