Here begins deck building.... We tore off our old deck last summer because the wood was so rotted out that it was unsafe to even be on the deck. Mike has decided to tackle this project because we have really missed having a deck. The new deck will be double the size of the old deck and much nicer. And as we all know Spring in NH consists of way more rainy days than nice ones so Mike has already started the deck with hopes that we might actually be able to use it this summer. In typical Vigneau fashion there are always unexpected problems with every project and this one is no different. This is the back of the house obviously... the sliding door is Keira's old bedroom and now her playroom. Mike tore off the siding to expose the ledger board ( where he will be attaching the deck to the house) and found surprise surprise.. some rotting wood- mostly likely eaten by carpenter ants... so
he had to remove the piece of rotting wood as you don't want to attach a deck to a piece of rotting wood. Mike is currently off at Lowe's getting wood to fix this as the next 3-4 days are supposed to be rainy and there is currently a very large whole in my basement.
This is the view from the basement of the large hole in the house.... a new and large window Mike calls it. Lets hope for no more major issues and that Mike can get this patched up before the day is over.
yikes! how'd you cover it?
Mike was able to get some new wood and patch it up... with some ice and water shield on top. Should be fine thank goodness as I see the rain clouds rolling in...
Hopefully the weather holds out.. no 24 inches of snow in 24 hours!!! Can't wait to see the finished product!
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