Someone who has had multiple children please explain to me why my belly has to be so enormous already at 20 weeks? I never had this much of a belly at 20 weeks with Keira! I already find bending over difficult....
We finalized the plan for the birth. I am gonna be adventurous and try to have the baby at home. We are going to rent a big heated birthing tub thingie and hope for another 3 hour ( or less) labor. Considering I am 20 weeks and still feeling like total crud I am going hope that I gotta get some luck in this whole pregnancy and labor business.. with Keira's pregnancy I felt that it was fair that I had a super fast and pretty easy labor since my pregnancy was pretty crappy.
And I am sad to say the little guy still has no name. We just can't come up with anything that we both like, that's not to popular, that goes with Vigneau, that's not to long, that's manly.. yada yada!
Ahhh, the belly is supposed to be that after the first you start to get bigger earlier with all the other children. You have a very cute belly and this summer you will be more than happy to let it hang out! I always thought it felt so good to be in a bathing suit and let my belly hang out! haha!
I heard that after your first you get bigger earlier too. You have a cute belly though!
I def showed quicker with this one than with 33 weeks I feel huge. Your belly is really cute Krissy said let it hang out.
Cute belly!!! Yah, after the first you show a lot quicker!!!
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