Monday, February 11, 2008


This is Keira getting to stuff and making a mess....- We put Keira on Probiotics (sp?).. hoping they will help her belly.. She has had solid food for the past few days per her demanding it and has done pretty well.. Today so far she has had plain yogurt and humus with olive oil and whole wheat pita bread... just things I am eating that she wants to try.

Making an effort to be "green" and reduce out electric bill.. Here is Keira's laundry drying. It looks so cute hanging there all pink and girly.
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Unknown said...

I've been hanging Jo's clothes to dry since day 1. Well, I did ONE wash before she was born and put the stuff in the dryer and it shrunk like CRAZY, we apparantly have a super powerful dryer. Anyway, we have a hanging rack on the back of the bathroom door that has 10 racks! Usually after doing laundry all of that will be full and then I run out of room so I start hanging them on the towel rack, over the top of the shower... you walk in our bathroom and there are baby clothes hanging EVERYWHERE.

alexish5 said...

Wow...power to you Tanya! I haven't hung sarah's yet but as you know I hang my clothes and Matt's. Maybe I'll give it a try.

How does she like the plain yogurt? I have only given her flavored.

k's mama said...

She didn't mind it- but then again she has pretty much eaten anything I have given her as long as it comes off my plate.... :o)