Dear Keira,
On this day last year, at this time in the evening- 8:15 pm; daddy and I were packing our bags for the hospital. I had gotten off the phone with the doctor just about 15 min ago and she had said to come in and get checked to see if I was really in labor and progressing. I knew I was as my uterus felt like it had ADD and was bouncing off the walls. That morning in the paper I had read that tonight would there was supposed to be a full "blue" moon. I said to your daddy that maybe you would be born today because we all know things happen when there is a full moon. Guess mama is always right. What a year it has been. Not a day goes by where I don't thank God for you ( and your father). We have loved you since we found out you were there growing inside of me. We loved you when I spent more hours with my head in a trash can throwing up than I did doing anything else. In fact daddy joked that we were going to name you pain in the ass- PITA. Because that is how I felt about the never ending morning sickness that made me too sick to get out of bed, too sick to go to work and too sick to do anything for 3 months straight!!! We loved you as we watched my thighs expand and my belly button pop out. We loved you through 7 hours of labor and 1 hour of drugless pushing. We loved you through (3)- 2nd degree vaginal tears and one lovely case of hemorrhoids. Yup it's all been worth it. We loved you through all 5 nights the past year where you didn't sleep at least a 5 hour stretch!!!! We loved you though every screaming diaper change where you just wouldn't lie still for 5 seconds. Its been so much fun watching you grow and change and to see and learn who you are becoming. We can't wait to see who you become, just make sure you continue sleeping and always remain happy.
Mama and Daddy
1 comment:
Awwww, that made me want to cry! And I cry very easily so that isn't saying much but that was so well written. You should really save that for her for the future when she grows up.
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