Wednesday, May 14, 2008

House of pizza

Pizza is a weekly staple at our house. Its easy, cheap and yummy.. and um not that healthy when we feel like eating a meal without veggies.

While I made pizza Keira amused herself with serving spoons and such. Don't worry I removed those scissors sitting right next to her.
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MommyKW said...

Haha! The picture with the scissors is too funny! We eat pizza once a week - I would say. The kids love it and usually I will make salad - so there is the vegetable!

Caroline said...

Mmmm... pizza. I'm going to start craving it now, thanks Tanya!

Tracy said...

Hey.. I HAVE A GREAT recipe for rice based pizza crust. I know you guys eat a lot of rice pastas... let me know if you want it. IT IS NUMMY!! (kinda weird cuz you use baby rice cereal as one of the ingredients) Everyone in my house LOVES it. Also makes a great Pita.

alexish5 said...

Too funny! I saw the picture before I saw your caption and I was like...."Doesn't she realize there is a HUGE pair of scissors right next to her!!!!" Your a great mom...I should have known better! =)

Decker said...

Me too Alexis!