Thursday, March 06, 2008

Keira says mama!!!

Mike taught Keira how to say mama yesterday!! I don't think she knows what it means but its still exciting that she says it. She has been saying dada for a while now


MommyKW said...

Wow! So cute! Samantha is actually sitting next to me listening to her and saying, dada every time she says ma ma. She only says ma ma when she needs me!

Caroline said...

When Jo is crying she just goes "Mamamamamamamamammama" haha and holds out her arms for me or if she's sitting next to me she'll just wrap her arms around me and just be like "mamamammama" even though she's fussing and upset or crying I can't help but to laugh because it's so darn cute! Keira is so cute... everytime I see her crawl I wish Jo would!

Anonymous said...

She is so cute!!! The kids and I were all watching her, laughing. Lydia too would answer back "dada" everytime you or Keira would say mama or dada.

Jennifer said...

I am so jealous...I want Brooke to say "Mama". It sounds like she says it when she is crying but I think It is my imagination more than anything else.

alexish5 said...

So cute! Sarah was saying "dada" too everytime Keira said mama! Too funny! Congrats Keira...keep it up!