Thursday, October 02, 2008


Mom!!! Get this thing off of me!

Okay... had enough!
Right before she fell off the couch.. apparently the giraffe head is heavy and makes her off center!
I want out!

Since I am bored... I decided to try some Halloween costumes on Keira... Thanks to the kind soul who let me borrow them so I didn't have to spend 20 dollars on a costume she may wear for 5 min.

We have a cheetah, a girl pirate, and a giraffe.


MommyKW said...

Cute! We have a monkey just like that and when you put Samantha in it, it looks like the monkey just swallowed her and has her face in it's mouth! Needless to say, she hates it!

N&M said...

So cute! Love the pictures!

Unknown said...

Ooo, do the pirate one! Or wait, have Mike dress like a pirate then get Keira a parrot costume and perch her on his shoulder! Tanya gets to be a busty servant wench, of course.

Unknown said...

hahaha she looks so adorable!