Wednesday, April 25, 2007

early am thoughts....

Wow- Its Wednesday already- I guess I have been neglecting the blog lately. Oooops. We haven't had much that is "blogworthy" to write about- although I am not sure what the rules are that makes things "blogworthy"
Its shortly after 6 am and regardless of the fact that I am tired- I had to drag myself out of bed because my stomach is screaming to be fed- and when that happens its best to feed it or ELSE risk throwing up!! So here I am sitting on the couch trying not to fall back asleep, munching on goldfish crackers. Mike is of course sleeping...... everytime I get up in the middle of the night to go the bathroom- which is pretty much every 2 hours I get so envious of his uninterrupted sleep!!!! I don't even remember what uninterrupted sleep feels like- and I am sure its only going to get worse.
So anyways- Last night I realized that at 34 weeks we are getting really close to meeting this stranger who has been residing in my uterus for far to long. Last night I asked Mike if he knew what he is supposed to do to help me out during labor and he gives me that- "how should I know? " look. I could throw some books at him to read but I don't think he would read them as he isn't much of the reading type. Most of the time he researches anything he needs info on via the Internet. I try to suggest that maybe he should Google labor and delivery and the whole birth process so maybe he has a vague clue about what is going on but he doesn't seem to interested and all the bloody- gorey details. Hmmmm maybe this decision NOT to take childbirth classes wasn't such a good one. We being cheap did not want to pay for the classes, and I myself have seen about 5 births so I feel like I have a good idea about what is going to happen. Not so sure in Mike's case!!!!
Tomorrow we are taking the maternity ward tour- although I will be delivering at the hospital that I worked at for 3 years- My OB insists I should take a tour of the maternity ward and learn about the admission process, procedures, etc. So we are doing that tomorrow evening. Other than Keira being head down and nestled really low in my pelvis and my uterus feeling so stretched that I am surprised it doesn't explode- I am not sure how anxious she is to get out of there. I have not so much as had one contraction so I dunno. I on the other hand am VERY anxious to get her out of there!!!!! I feel like I have been pregnant forever.
In other news the truck has proved very useful lately- We used it sat to load up our donated swing set. We used it Sunday to pick up a patio set my dad said we could have. Monday we loaded all that moldy drywall into it so we can take it to the dump as our curbside pick- up does not pick up construction waste.
It gave us a little scare Monday night as the truck was making a "funny" noise. Mike called Hippert over to look at it and within 2 min of looking under the hood they determined it was the alternator. When they told me that I thought (uh no!!! - here we go- Old cars and their constant repairs) Mike and Hippert headed to the auto store that is 2 min down the road and returned about 10 min later with an "alternator" . 10 min later it was all fixed and they declared the truck good as new. Wow that was alot easier than I thought!!!
Anyways- time to get ready for work- Happy Hump day to you all!

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