Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Stubborn babies and ants : O) and nesting....

So at my weekly check -up yesterday the doctor said it was time to see if Keira was making any progress to come out. Wouldn't you know, our stubborn little Vigneau baby has made herself nice and comfy in my cramped little uterus and doesn't appear to have any intention of coming out. She said my cervix was soft- But not dilated or thinned out at all!!!! Doesn't she know I am tired of lunging her around inside of me??? Apparently not I guess!!!! She can have a few more days in there as I haven't quite finished putting together the stroller and car seat and swing. But in reality I have been doing alot of yard work, raking, weeding and lugging around heavy stuff and even that hasn't given me one contraction!!
Anyways- Some one asked about the ants - I am happy to say that we seem to have demolished them! I haven't seen an ant in at least 3 days and neither has Mike. YEAHHHH!!!

Mike mowed the lawn yesterday and I cleaned up the grass that was torn up when Mike and Mike H. put in the path. The front flower bed is all ready to plant now that the bushes are all cleared out.

Apparently Mike and Paul may be doing some drywall tonight since Paul was sick on Sunday and couldn't help - but it worked out because we were able to do the path which is my Mother's Day gift.
Anyways- mike seems to have caught my nesting bug and we can't stop with the home projects.... ( as I am sure people are getting tired of reading about our daily projects!)

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